We are excited to partner with the Philly Pad for "Love God. Love Your Neighbor," a week-long camp for children 3-8 years old. The Philly Pad is a space where children are encouraged to celebrate and express who they are. At our day camp, children will tap into key social and emotional concepts and a variety of STEAMY topics (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Music, and Yoga). Together, we invite your child to explore sotries of Jesus, service projects in our community, and the science of our city.
Bus Stop 1
Stories of Jesus
Bus Stop 2
Science of Our City
Age appropriate experiments in the architecture and engineering of our city.
Bus Stop 3
Cross Walk Crafts
Hands on arts & camp crafts.
Bus Stop 4
Outdoor Games
Let's have fun!
Love Our City
Service Projects
How can we be the hands & feet of Jesus in our neighborhood?
Half-Day Camp
Monday - Friday, 9 am - 12 pm
Ages 2 1/2 - 4 years old
$25 Registration Fee
Full-Day Camp
Monday - Friday, 9 am - 3 pm
Ages 5 - 8 years old
$50 Registration Fee
9:00 | Rad Pad Praise
9:30 | Bus Stop 1 & 2
10:30 | Potty Break & Snack
11:00 | Bus Stop 3 & 4
12:00 | Lunch*
12:45 | Recess*
1:30 | Love Our City*
3:00| Dismissal*
*Full Day (Ages 5-8) Only