The nature of water is soft, that of stone is hard; but if a bottle is hung above the stone, allowing water to fall drop by drop, it wears away the stone. So it is with the word of God; it is soft and our heart is hard, but the man who hears the word of God often, opens his heart to the fear of God
— Abba Poeman (A.D. 340–450), The Sayings of the Desert Fathers

Growing in faith is a collective, lifelong pursuit. The Adult Education classes at Resurrection are designed to help you delve deeper into scripture, theology, and the practical application of faith in today’s world. Join us as we gather to ask questions, engage in meaningful discussions, and foster intellectual community. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you will find a welcoming and supportive environment here.


Gospel of Luke Seminar Series

2nd Tuesday Nights This Winter/Spring

Join Steve Taylor for the first in a monthly seminar series designed to help us engage the gospel of Luke on a deeper level. On the second Tuesday of each month, we will explore various aspects of Luke’s gospel and ask more challenging questions than is possible in our sermon series. 

February 11: Four Different Gospels: Dilemma or Delight?

March 11: The Uniqueness of Luke's Gospel

April 8: Unique Themes in Luke: Jesus' Social Ethic

May 13: Unique Themes in Luke: Jesus' Understanding of Himself and Scripture 

Intro to the Land of the Bible

Six Sundays Starting March 9

How would understanding the land of the Bible deepen your insight into its stories? Spend six weeks marking up maps and find out. Each week Cyndi Parker will give detailed instructions on what to look for on the map and how to mark it. Then on Sundays after the service, participants will gather with Cyndi to compare their handiwork, see pictures, and talk through Bible stories with the map in mind. Both a Dig Deeper and a Family-Friendly option are available.

Registration now closed.