Cyndi Parker


Cyndi Parker has lived in more places that she can count. Time spent as a child in Albuquerque gave her a love of mountains and sunsets and living in Detroit grew her sensitivity to issues of race. In moving every few years and meeting many different kinds of people, Cyndi learned that wisdom is more about how you interact with people than earning academic degrees. That said, she believes in academics enough to have earned a Ph.D. in Theological & Religious Studies from the University of Gloucestershire and is the host and creator of the Context Matters Podcast. Cyndi enjoys Philly's food scene, especially the amazing vegetarian food. Being in nature - in a garden or on a trail - is one of her great loves, unless it is cold, in which case she’d rather be lost in an epic sci-fi or fantasy book, or in an action-adventure movie. Cyndi has taught in churches in New Zealand, Singapore, England, Canada, and the USA – she’s always up for an adventure, especially if it includes a kick of adrenaline.

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