When we read Scripture in light of the resurrection, we understand Scripture as testimony to the life-giving power of God. The resurrection of Jesus is not an isolated miracle but a disclosure of God's purpose finally to subdue death and to embrace us within the life of the resurrection.... The God with whom we have to do is a God who wills life and wholeness for us. If we read the biblical story rightly as a story about this God, we will learn to read it in hopeful trust, open to joyous surprises. - Richard B. Hays, "Reading Scripture in Light of the Resurrection"
Jesus & the Twelve Apostles - Rev. Chris Currie | 8.6.23
"We need a way of approaching Scripture that will move us very concretely from our overreliance on information gathering to an experience of Scripture as a place of intimate encounter." - Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred Rhythms
The Rescue of Jesus - Rev. Dr. Tuck Bartholomew | 7.30.23
The gospel story is precisely this: it is a story. It is not a collection of esoteric philosophical musings, nor is it a reflection upon a series of mystical experiences or contemplative insights. The gospel story is a narrative, or rather a series of narratives; it issues from the testimony of those who saw and heard and touched; it is witness to that which became visible and tangible in our human history. - John Colwell, The Rhythm of Doctrine