"The particular expression of love that the world should see when it looks at Jesus' church is the evident overcoming of divisions. It is the evidence that contraries have been reconciled. It is the expression of love that belies a normally fragile and unstable unity. It is the outworking of an abnormal love, one not based on mutual attraction. The common denominator in Christian love is that Jesus gave himself for us." - Irwyn L. Ince, Jr., The Beautiful Community
Shalom-Oriented Mission - Rev. Chris Currie | 4.14.24
"Through our efforts to bring peace we show the world the kind of king and kingdom we represent. The outcome of our peacemaking is to introduce people to the kingdom. Therefore, the work of justice, when understood as direct testimony to God's kingdom, is evangelistic from start to finish. It is part (not the whole) of God's work of reconciling all things to himself." - Esau McCaulley, Reading While Black
Openness to the Spirit - Rev. Chris Currie | 4.7.24
Spirituality is really quite a modern word. If you had asked anybody in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, 'Tell me about your spirituality,' they would not have had a clue what you were talking about. 'Spirituality' for the Christian is shorthand for 'life in the Spirit,' for staying alive in Christ." - Rowan Williams, Being Disciples