"I believe that we need to rethink the nature and priority of the corporate body, the church. Throughout biblical history God has been gathering people together so that in them and through their life together he might work out his purposes for the world. It was never simply about God calling out an individual so that he or she might walk with God. No, when he called out individuals, it was so that each might play his or her part in the people of faith. We've gotten it backwards. We think that the church is there for us; in reality, we are there for the church." - Allen Mitsuo Wakabayashi, Kingdom Come
Authentic Relationship - Dr. Cyndi Parker | 5.5.24
"The best testimony to the truth of the gospel is the quality of our life together. Jesus risked his reputation and the credibility of his story by tying them to how his followers live and care for one another in community.... How we live together is the most persuasive sermon we'll ever get to preach." - Christine Pohl, Living Into Community
Generous Conversation - Dr. Cyndi Parker | 4.28.24
"If God were small enough to be understood, he wouldn't be big enough to be worshipped." - Evelyn Underhill