The kingdom of God is an alternative political fact that stands in tension with the empires, all of which are falling away. If this is true, then the hostile and belligerent partisanship among American Christians might be compared to a fistfight over table manners on the sinking Titanic. - Lee Camp, Scandalous Witness
The Two Beasts - Rev. Chris Currie | 10.20.24
To trust in the strength of God in our weakness; to say, "I am weak: so let me be: God is strong;" to seek from him who is our life, as the natural, simple cure of all that is amiss with us, power to do, and be, and live, even when we are weary, - this is the victory that overcometh the world. - George MacDonald, "Life," in Unspoken Sermons
The Dragon - Rev. Chris Currie | 10.13.24
Jesus and other early Christians were not executed because they were spiritual. They were executed because their politic was a threat to the powers that be. - Lee Camp, Scandalous Witness