EASTER (belated) 2020
installation by Melissa Choi
Refracted Radiance
by Melissa Choi
July 5, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic altered planned timelines for many individuals and institutions, and the installation of this artwork was no exception. Originally conceived for Easter, this 12' x 8' work premiered instead on July 5, 2020, a date chosen for its significance not in the liturgical calendar but in the life of our church family. On this Sunday we had a sending service for two of our staff members, who were moving to different cities. It was also the first Sunday on which our leadership deemed it safe for all of the service participants to stream from a central location instead of individual homes; it was therefore the first time in four months that our congregation "saw" our usual worship space (a rented high school auditorium). This wound up being our last time to host a service in the space, as subsequent services took place in the building of Liberti Church, with whom we partnered for online services and would merge with later in the year.
Choi writes:
"Refracted Radiance was inspired by the glory of heavenly beings as they appeared to humans, specifically at Easter. Beauty, awe, lightening, fear, and discomfort were some of the words that inspired my piece. My original intent was to fill the room and bulletins with reflective materials and prisms, creating light reflections around the entire room. However, my design had to be tweaked to work for a zoom service. I realized that the timing of the install was actually perfect; in the uncertain and scary time that we are in, there’s nothing more comforting than a reminder of Easter hope, that Jesus has triumphed over every evil."
To learn more about the project Suspension of Disbelief, click here.
This program is made possible through a Vital Worship Grant
from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
with funds provided by Lilly Endowment Inc.